

I’m afraid there’s not much going on here at the moment. On the blog that is. Seemingly there is not much going on in “real life” either except for the waiting. Oh, the waiting and longing, the frustration and the expectations. The wondering. I am 11 days past my EDD (estimated delivery date) today. I’m going to the hospital early Monday morning if nothing happens this weekend. And they will probably induce labour. Scary. I was hoping for a VBAC. As natural as possible. Now I’m not so hopeful, and honestly I’m feeling a bit discouraged by the whole situation, all the opposing facts and opinions and research done on VBACs, inducing or not inducing and the whole shebang…

BUT we will meet soon, very soon. And all this wondering and frustration will be gone and forgotten when I can stare into her eyes for the first time and fall in love all over again. How lucky am I?

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. I’m going to the flea market tomorrow for some treasure hunting. Yey!

Taken at the hospital when I got my first in 2004. By c section (she was breech) at 39w 3d – 4kg (8.8 lbs)… <3


Amy Bradstreet said...

She's beautiful. The waiting is so hard. Sending good vbac birthing vibes your way.

Anonymous said...

walk as much as possible and do yoga. yogic squats are great. best to you and your family.

therese said...

sex! it's a great natural birth inducer! :)

Guusje said...

Good luck from a pregnant woman to another!

Daan said...

Love your Blog!
I've put it on my worldwidebloghopping list for May!

Love from a small village in The Ntherlands, Daan